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Helpful Articles

Aug 17

Tracey Rosen

Posted by Integrity Funerals

Location Manager

Tracey has been with Integrity Funerals for over ten years, starting as the bookkeeper in 2009, but quickly discovered her passion for helping families as they travel through their grief and trying to ease the burden as much as possible.

Tracey has arranged funerals and repatriations from many different cultures, religions and backgrounds and loves all the little things that make everyone different and special.

In her spare time, Tracey continues a life-long obsession with reading and writing. She volunteers with her writers’ association, and at her childrens’ school. While not an avid TV watcher, she has all seasons of the original Charmed, and is waiting for the next season of Stranger Things with bated breath. She is a keen social field hockey player and enjoys baking when she can squeeze it in.